Lessons learnt Featured Team building for learning. Why it matters. When it comes to education, team building is an important aspect that often gets overlooked. A school is a place where students are supposed to learn how to work together in order to achieve a common goal, but in reality, most schools emphasize individual achievement.
Lessons learnt Featured Neuroscience and the classroom. How understanding neuroscience helps create good learners. Educational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that uses methods from cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, and education to study how the brain learns and develops during childhood and adolescence.
Lessons learnt Featured Decreasing attention spans. How micro learning can help The average attention span of a human has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013. Micro learning is a instructional design approach that focuses on delivering small, concise bursts of information to learners.
Articles The need for soft skills training in schools If you want your children or students to succeed in school and life, you need to make sure they're getting soft skills training. Soft skills are the personal attributes and social skills that allow us to effectively navigate our environment and relationships.
Lessons learnt Featured What is Maker Learning? Tips to setting up maker learning in your school Maker learning can be used in any subject area and at any level, from elementary school to college.
Articles 5 tips to help a student/child who easily gets distracted It's not uncommon to find yourself wanting to reach out and pick up your child/student, or at least ask them if they need help focusing. This is because students differ in their level of distractibility, so it's important that teachers and parents alike know how to handle it.
Lessons learnt Genius hour in the classroom Genius hour is a popular approach in the classroom that empowers students to follow their passions. Genius hour has been around since 2007, but it's still not widely known outside of certain circles.
Lessons learnt Lessons learnt: The only true disability is a crushed spirit If you have a child or student with special needs or disabilities, it's critical that you work together with the school to ensure that child is getting the support he or she needs. We've put together some tips on how you can help your child and
Lessons learnt Lessons learnt: Every student can learn just not in the same way or on the same day Students — particularly children — come in all shapes and sizes and with an array of different talents and challenges. Some struggle to stay focused in class, others are behind when it comes to reading, still others find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time. Even though every child'
Lessons learnt Lessons learnt: If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our students of tomorrow Consider a simple schoolroom in the 1950s. The space is modest, with rows of desks and few decorations. Children sit quietly in their seats as the teacher writes notes on the chalkboard. Over time, we’ve seen many changes to this basic system: furniture has become more comfortable, we’ve
Lessons learnt Lessons learnt: It takes big hearts to help shape little minds. Guidance and counseling are indispensable elements in discipline management of people in all communities, even the most primitive societies grew out of the necessity of guiding individual behavior patterns in the interest of the group. Society itself could not function without the use of discipline. Using guidance and counseling to
Lessons learnt Lesson learnt: The good things we build end up building us The overall impact a school building has on students can be either positive or negative, depending upon the condition of the building. In cases where students attend school in substandard buildings they are definitely handicapped in their academic achievement. Correlation studies show a strong positive relationship between overall building conditions
Lessons learnt Lessons learnt: Communication is key Schools, colleges and universities have no worth without students. Students are the most essential asset for any educational institute. The social and economic development of the country is directly linked with student academic performance. Research suggests student’s communication ability showed a strong significant positive correlation with student’s academic