Lessons learnt: Every student can learn just not in the same way or on the same day

Students — particularly children — come in all shapes and sizes and with an array of different talents and challenges. Some struggle to stay focused in class, others are behind when it comes to reading, still others find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time. Even though every child's growth and development is different, there are some general patterns that show up in many young learners. Understanding these patterns can help you to understand your child (and your students) better. There are plenty of ways you as a parent or teacher can help your young ones reach their full potential.

Exemplary student

The exemplary student is one who is on time, completes their homework, completes their class assignments, participates in class discussions, has a positive attitude and has a positive attitude.

These students are the ones that face little challenges during the semester. They are usually very intelligent and have a good understanding of the material being taught in the classroom. They tend to be self-motivated learners so they don’t need much guidance from teachers or peers (although it doesn’t hurt!). The only thing these students need from you as an educator is consistency! If you can deliver your lessons in such a way that makes them understand everything clearly then they will do well on tests and quizzes because they fully understand what is expected of them when we ask questions about things that were presented during class time.

Shy student

Shy students tend to be introverted, which means that they are more comfortable with smaller groups of people and don't mind being alone. They may be afraid of public speaking, especially if it's their first time doing so. Furthermore, shy students may feel that they are being judged or ridiculed by others if they make a mistake during class. The best way to help a shy student succeed is by encouraging him or her at every step along the way. Make sure that your classroom has plenty of time set aside for one-on-one interactions with each student so that everyone feels comfortable enough to participate in class discussions and activities without fear of judgment or ridicule themselves

Lazy student

Lazy students are more trouble than they’re worth. They have no interest in learning, and their only motivation is to get out of work. The laziest students will do whatever it takes to avoid doing the work that you assign, even if that means trying to convince you that they don't want or need help. You may feel like giving up on them, but there are ways of helping these students reach their potential.

The first step for a lazy student is to see how much effort they're willing to put into schoolwork and life in general. Using this information, you can break down lessons into little chunks which can be easily absorbed by the students. You can also pair these students with others students who will help go through study materials in-depth.

Unruly student

  • A unruly student is a student who does not respect their teacher or the rules of the classroom.
  • Unruly students are often bored by their lessons, so yo need to find ways to keep them engaged in the lesson.

The first steps when dealing with unruly students is taking charge by establishing consequences for misbehaving and rewarding them with incentives when they do their best. Redirecting attention can also prove to be a useful asset in your toolkit. A story, life lesson, game or joke can help engage students and bring back all attention to you when students disengage. This can also add some personality to you as their instructor which helps these students create a connection with you. Also remember to allow them to call the shots sometimes because with choice comes freedom, and with freedom comes students feeling like they’re part of something important, and respected.

Parents and teachers working together as custodians of our children and students

The parents of a child are the first teachers. They have a significant role to play in their kids' lives. Therefore, they should be an active part of the education that their children receive. They can take an active part in the education system by attending parent-teacher meetings and conferences and by interacting with teachers. We can also take advantage of platforms like Adiutor to make sure we are always in sync with everyone involved in the upbringing of our children and students.

In a classroom, children with diverse backgrounds come together to learn. Some children may be shy or introverted, others may be often absent from class, others still may be bullies and so on. To help students reach their potential it is necessary for us to understand each child unique traits and talents. We should know if the student has difficulty concentrating, paying attention or following directions and apply some of these strategies to keep them engaged.

To thrive in any school setting, students will also need to take responsibility for their behavior. Teachers who understand the needs of these different types of students and are committed to giving them a good education can really make a difference. This goes for children with special needs as well, and gives teachers, administrators, and parents all some invaluable insights into how best to handle each child. And remember that however taxing it may seem at times, teaching is an incredibly rewarding profession—and it's sure to improve once we learn more about the realities of student psychology!


Adiutor means "helper" - we do just that, by taking a load of your school administration and helping you focus on what matters most: the kids.