Lesson learnt: The good things we build end up building us

The overall impact a school building has on students can be either positive or negative, depending upon the condition of the building.  In cases where students attend school in substandard buildings they are definitely handicapped in their academic achievement.

Correlation studies show a strong positive relationship between overall building conditions and student achievement. Researchers have repeatedly found a 5-17 percentile difference between achievement of students in poor buildings and those students in standard buildings, when the socioeconomic status of students is controlled. Studies also hold the view that student performances are linked with use of libraries and level of their parental education. The use of the library positively affected the student performance.

Dilapidated buildings, and in extreme cases, lack of essential buildings like laboratory, library, computer rooms, classrooms and even offices inhibit learning and this leads to poor performance by the students.

Good and adequate physical facilities will ensure the learning environment is learner friendly and will make teaching and learning enjoyable to both the teacher and the learner. Teachers and learners will also need to learn to take full advantage of these facilities in order to reap its benefits.

Lesson learnt: The good things we build end up building us

Source: netjournals, nasenjournals, UCLA/IDEA

Image credit: istock


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