Decreasing attention spans. How micro learning can help

Lessons learnt: A little progress each day adds up to big results

Micro learning is a instructional design approach that focuses on delivering small, concise bursts of information to learners. This delivery method is designed to help learners absorb and retain information more effectively by breaking down complex topics into manageable pieces. With the abundance of digital distractions, it can be hard for students to stay focused in traditional learning environments.

The Decreasing Attention Spans of Students

The average attention span of a human has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013 due to the constant engagement with technology according to a study by Microsoft. “Heavy multi-screeners find it difficult to filter out irrelevant stimuli — they’re more easily distracted by multiple streams of media,” the report read.

On the positive side, the report says our ability to multitask has drastically improved.

Another study done on students attention span in the classroom suggests students attention during lectures dwindle after approximately 10-15 minutes. McKeachie in Teaching Tips also states that "Attention typically increases from the beginning of the class to 10 minutes into the lecture and decreases after that"

How Micro learning Can Help Address Decreased Attention Spans

Micro learning can help address decreased attention spans by providing brief, targeted content that is easy to digest. The benefits of micro learning for addressing attention deficits include the ability to focus on one small task at a time, and the ability to take multiple mini-breaks throughout the day.

Micro learning can also help optimize your time and effort by allowing you to tailor your learning to your own needs and schedule. What makes micro learning so effective in addressing attention issues is its flexibility, brevity, and focus on one small task at a time.

Researchers have found that micro learning can be an effective way to deal with decreased student attention spans and engagement. One study found that students who were taught using micro learning techniques had better retention rates than those who were taught using traditional methods. Another study found that micro learning increased student engagement and motivation, while reducing anxiety and boredom. It allows students to learn at their own pace, in short bursts that fit into their schedules. It also makes information more accessible by breaking it down into manageable chunks. And because micro learning relies heavily on visuals and interactivity, it can hold students' attention more effectively than text-based instruction.

A Case Study: How One Teacher Utilized Micro learning to Help Students with decreased attention spans

In order to help her students stay focused and engaged, one teacher decided to incorporate micro learning into her lesson plans. The teacher began by creating short videos on various topics related to the lesson. She then posted these videos online for her students to watch at their own pace. In addition, she included interactive quizzes and other activities to keep them engaged with the material. The results were impressive - not only did her students seem more engaged during class, but they also showed improved test scores and greater overall understanding of the concepts covered. This case study illustrates how effective micro learning can be for helping students with decreased attention spans. As our world becomes increasingly digitized, it's important that we find ways to adapt our teaching methods accordingly in order to best meet the needs of our students.

By breaking down information into small, manageable chunks, micro learning can help students retain information better and improve their focus. Not only is micro learning effective, but it's also engaging.


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